Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bridal Shower Take 2!

Anthony and I went to NY to visit my family and to celebrate our niece's Abby and Becca's 7th Birthday! (I moved to Florida 4 months before they turned 1...I have NEVER been home for one of their birthdays!!) Well along with an awesome visit with family I was able to visit with my dear friend Karyn and her husband Rob and their adorable son Seth. (We went to a diner, which in Florida there are none... :) ) On Saturday was going to be "Girls Day" and "Boys Day" girls were going to go get lunch and shop a little and the guys went to play golf. We had to be at my sisters at 1pm to pick her up, so mom and I woke up early and took a ride to Windsor (My hometown) and went to visit Brian at Sky Lake (The summer camp I used to be a camper at and worked at for 7 years) and to see how beautiful as always it is up there...then we drove up to the lake where I grew up and just looked around. We stopped in the village at the farmers market and went to a little coffee shop and got a little bite to eat and a drink. Just having a good time visiting with mom and seeing the wonderful town I grew up in!! So we get back to Binghamton and get to my sisters house and when I walk in...Surprise!!! My sister threw me another shower...but I had NO clue! It was such a surprise I started crying!! It was great! To have everyone gathered together was so special since I am not home often. Such an awesome thing and I had a wonderful afternoon! (My sister has all the pictures from the shower...) I have included some pictures from the weekend!! How lucky am I to have a wonderful sister like I do?? The count down is on for the wedding...we are down to 13 days!!!

Bridal Shower Take 1

Back over Easter...I know it has been a while... my sister Amy and her husband Jim and the kids Abby, Becca and Gavin came down to Florida and while they were here Amy and Meleny threw me a Bridal Shower! It was so great to see all my friends and family all together to celebrate our upcoming wedding! The guys of course had a boys day...well Anthony had work, but Gavin and Jim went to the movies and Downtown Disney for the afternoon. The rest of the weekend we enjoyed an awesome weekend hanging out by the pool and dying some easter eggs for the Easter Bunny to find!!